Sunday, April 28, 2013

Lyme Disease the Constant Hangover

You had an epic evening.  You put together a new outfit, you drank, you danced, you threw things, you drank, you wore sexy impractical shoes, you drank more, you ate Jumbo Slice, you drank, and then you slept in your clothes.  Epic.

Then you wake up the next morning.  You can't lift your head from the pillow.  The idea of food makes you worship the porcelain gods.  Drinking water seems as difficult as solving peace in the Middle East. Your day is now consumed by hydration, force feeding toast, and laying on the couch.  Loud noises make you want to die.  Your entire body aches, as you vow to never again drop it like its hot.  Each time you stand up you are overcome with dizziness and nausea.  You are now unable to do anything productive.

Lyme disease is the worst hangover of your life without any of the fun parts.  No dancing on tables.  No sexy shoes.  No pizza.  No staying out till 4am having the time of your life with friends.  Yet the next day and every day after that....all the consequences.

For those of you that this post gave weekend flashbacks I am sorry, but Lyme isn't well understood.  Hangovers are.

What I wouldn't give to be able to eat a piece of pizza.....

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