Friday, July 26, 2013

Remembering what I can do when healthy, and accepting what I can do while sick

I am a natural planner, but that was taken to new heights during grad school.  I had mapped out all of my courses to ensure I would be able to graduate a semester early.  So when a professor attempted to jeopardize that plan I was less than pleased.

This professor began her Community Organizing class asking if everyone had completed a certain course.  7 of us raised our hands and said we had not yet completed the course.  She insisted that it was listed as a pre-rec and we must leave the class immediately.  I politely raised my hand and said that there wasn't a pre-rec listed for the course.  She then told us again to leave class.  6 people left class. For those of you math wizards out there you know one person was left.  Me.

As she asked me to leave again I demonstrated a useful tactic we would later discuss, a sit-in.  We were assigned groups with specific community organizing goals.  My group was tasked with writing legislation, getting the bill introduced, and turned into law.  I'm just a bill sitting on Capitol Hill and all of that. The Good Samaritan Overdose Prevention Act is now law in Washington, DC.  Fact.

Then and now I have no tolerance for people who make decisions about my abilities with out knowing me.  This professor knew nothing about my background, yet assumed that with out taking a certain course I would never succeed in her course.  Tell that to my A.

The insurance company never spoke to me, never conducted an exam, never cared to know the pain I am in.   I may not be able to give BCBS everything I gave this professor, but rest assured one day I will be 100%.  But for now I am at 15%, and some fights must be put on hold in order to focus on what must get done.  I have decided that I am proceeding with the PICC line and IV antibiotics.  I will pay out of pocket for the meds because I need to get better, and at the present time this is my only option.

The surgery is scheduled for August 9th.  Since I have not been able to drink or have fun I am really looking forward to the anesthesia!  In the meantime please disregard me as I flash my naked upper arm.  I will let it fly high before it is wrapped up for the foreseeable future.

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