She spent the rest of the hour telling me how confused she is by the lectures on Lyme. Didn't you go to school for 8 years to not be confused? She meant well. It was nice that she looked into Lyme. I appreciate that effort I am sure she billed insurance for. But then again - that is her job. Her job is to figure out what the hell is wrong with me. Endless possibilities I know.
When attempting to understand a disease why is she reading lectures? Call me crazy, but I would read some studies. Crazy. Also, where did you go to school that reading a lecture is too confusing for you? I have a disease ravaging my brain and I can still make it through a study.
As someone who has trouble recalling words, let me help you out doc. The word you were looking for was: conflicting. You read conflicting accounts of Lyme disease. Is chronic Lyme real or is it not? To be or not to be. That is the question.
From previous doctor appointments I knew where this was headed. She was about to break up with me. I cut her off and reminded her that I have had every test in the book. I have had countless vials of blood drawn. I played her game. I saw specialists. Yet after all of that the only thing I have tested positive for is Lyme. Like a man she smelled my desperation. She broke up with me.
After the PICC line is inserted on the 9th she will no longer see me as a patient. She gave me the 'Its not you its me', which in the medical field is, 'I can't see you due to legal ramifications and insurance',
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