I like to start my day with 'Detox' tea from Yogi. The teas have encouraging statements. And as anyone who is job searching knows, you desperately need encouragement. Job searching is the equivalent of ripping your soul out anew each day. Today's message meant something amazing was bound to happen.
Damn straight I am unlimited! I got the call I have been desperately waiting for like a pre-teen with acne and no confidence. I got a job!
I love celebrating. I'm great at it.

I began a bit cliche - dancing on my bed. Simultaneously calling and leaving ridiculous voicemails that no one would ever be able to understand. Popped open some red, who cares if they offered me the job at 1 in the afternoon? Then cheated on my lyme diet in the best possible way - cheese coneys. Splurge for a mani pedi and take to craigslist to find an apartment. Go out to a fancy dinner and play - Book of Mormon (AMAZING). Then realize I have 2 days to pack and move. Thankfully, I am the worlds greatest mover. Or shall I say most frequent mover?

Grateful. I am so unbelievably grateful. I know that there are so many others who wish they could go back to work and independence. I hope that day comes for you so very soon. I also am grateful because I know I couldn't be here without the help of so many. Mainly my parents for taking me in and nursing me back to health. Friends for reminding me that this day would come and making me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. I'm grateful. High five.
Proud. I came out on the other side of this Lyme disease shit guns blazen. Don't worry its just a metaphor, lyme didn't alter my brain that much. I was bound and determined. I worked my ass off networking and it has paid off. I didn't just get a job. I got the job. I am going to be working with a great company to reduce maternal mortality in 25 developing countries. Travel? Yes please.
My closet is empty. My car is packed. I am ready for this. Well, I will be. That is after a 5 day vaca on a tropical island! Life is for celebrating :)
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