The surgeon placed a defective PICC line in my chest 3 weeks ago. It had a hole in it. The hole wasn't in the part of the line that was exposed. It was way in there. Under skin. If you buy a lottery ticket I would refrain from being around me for a week - just in case.
Most of us like to find someone or something to blame. In large part because we want a reason. We want a reason for physical, emotional, mental pain that has befallen us. Desiring a reason is natural and innate to human nature.
I tend to fluidly move in and out of this. This week I have been in the blame game. I don't believe the surgeon maliciously cut into my chest twice to inflict pain on me. Quite the contrary. He carelessly operated on me. Without thought. I move into the blame game when the pain seems senseless. I also am here because I was feeling so great. So great. Then because of someones error I was in pain. Not because of my disease. Not because I did something wrong. But because a stranger was careless. That is really difficult for me to accept. To accept being bed ridden for 3 days because someone else hurt you is tough.
We all believe what we need to. Those of you who believe everything happens for a reason - bully for you. However, that is not what gets me through. And since this is my blog open your mind and get ready.
I don't know how, when, or why I got Lyme. I don't think I got it for any particular reason. But I know that the strength, determination, advocacy, self-awareness, smiles, and laughter through this time are because I rose to a bad occasion and decided not to let it define me. Being sick is really awful. Captain obvious. I didn't get sick to show those in my life that I am strong and determined. They already knew that. And obvi they all already knew how hilarious I am. If you think my self-esteem needed a boost you should just re-read this paragraph, slowly.
Bummer. Bad shit happened. Chin up. Get out of bed. Write a card to a friend. Walk to the post office. Think of others. And better get to it. Looks like a storm is coming.
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