direct result of my shameless gallivanting and flaunting of my newly renewed health. You healthy people may be wondering how one flaunts their health? They walk 17 minutes instead of the mandated 15. They go on trips to visit their amazing family and friends. They go out to dinner. They even go to bars. They wear high heels. They stay up past 10 pm. They flirt at parking meters. They have intelligent conversations. They laugh so much it hurts. Hurts so good.
I had my big 1 month check up post IV with my Lyme doc. He basically told me that he hasn't seen anyone ever improve so much and so quickly. I was paraphrasing there. But duh, I am amazing. I glanced at the doctor's degrees hanging on the wall and wondered how he obtained them all. To me he seemed a bit slow.
I am healthy! That shit is relative and all that BUT as long as I maintain/improve for the next 26 days this IV comes out! Then I will be on oral antibiotics for 2 months. I asked the doctor what the balance of pushing myself and doing too much to the detriment of my health was. He laughed. I laughed. It was a special moment of pretending like I was going to balance.
Swag and I walked hand in hand out of that office. Then the car broke down. I ain't even mad at ya. The universe had to keep things in check. Plus who can be mad when there is a TJ Maxx across the street? The car got new brakes. I got a new jacket. Then a semi overturned on the highway. Took me 4 hours to go 40 miles. I sat in the car smiling and laughing. By my accounts that just means I really must be getting healthy.
I'm elated. I love celebrating small victories. This right here is one of those. But I talk about my amazingness with a bit of tongue and cheek. My journey with Lyme has been frustrating and difficult, but a lot of my struggle pales in comparison to people who have been sick for years. I wish our country would acknowledge the pain and suffering Lyme causes. Invest funds in a diagnostic test. Invest in research. Invest in a cure. Oh because guess what? We used to have a Lyme vaccine for humans. Oh and we still have a vaccine for dogs? Right....
I would write more but I would rather go do some squats, read a book, and run errands. Because I can!
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