Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dear Delta

I was very anxious to fly home.  I initially didn't want to go home because I knew the flight would be so taxing that it would worsen my symptoms.

Thank you, Delta, for easing my travel woes.  Loosing the wheelchair reservation at our arrival made me confidant that the rest of the journey would be a breeze.  When the individual pushing my wheel chair decided my trip was finished, I felt at peace.  Being separated from my mom only to end up crying and limping to the bathroom as the nausea overtook me brought me great joy.

When the wheelchair wasn’t at the gate for our layover, I knew it be smooth sailing.  After all there were only 6 other disabled individuals waiting to be whisked away to miss their flights.

The cart driver informed me I had to walk the about a quarter of a mile because the cart couldn't access my terminal.  Dare I say that Terminal A in Minneapolis wasn't ADA compliant?  Never.

The trip ended as smoothly as it began.  At our destination there was once again no transport. 

Thank you, Delta.  I hope that all disabled people will pick you as their airline of choice.


Bitter Sarcasm


  1. UGH. Write them a VERY stern Sadie-means-business letter. Seriously.

  2. Is this a legal situation.. hmmm I'm not asking a question!
