You put on a hospital gown that opens in the front. Which is a minor way to make you feel like you aren't topless and facing a stranger. This picture of George is all I could think about the entire time.
Fifteen minutes in there was a knock on the door. A small man poked his head in to enquire about a missing test result. My technician then laughs and says, 'These crazy computers, I can't tell you how many of my test results get lost.'
She then went on to tell me that she too gets out of breath when walking up stairs as well. Homeslice has 100 pounds and 20 years on me. I think we may have different problems. Followed that winner up with - I am sure there is nothing wrong with you. You lived in a rainy place, I am sure this is all allergies. You should move somewhere warmer.
My father may call me a liberal elitest. But Lyme disease isn't an allergy.
I totally aced the MRI. The point where they rolled me half way out, stuck a needle in my arm, and injected me with dye was a bit dicey, but I hung in there. I chose country music. Worked out great for the first song. A little diddy about sitten in the sand and haven a beer in Mexico. But it went downhill fast. A song about how thankful someone is for unanswered prayers isn't what a gal wants to hear when getting a test to figure out why she can't function.
Test results to come!
I still figure that this is the best way to teach you, and I appreciate your brain sistuh! Stay strong! You are incredibly missed <3