Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sprung a leak

I give myself multiple shots in my stomach, thigh, and ass.  My stomach offered the most retail space, but after 3 months I need new real estate.

Every so often I hit a vein or a vessel during a shot and there is some blood.  Apparently it should only happen 1 out of 100 times.  This is just another testament to my high level of luck.  I usually get blood 1 out of 5 times.

These leaks have all been manageable   Not today.  I was laying on my stomach giving myself a shot in my ass.  This shot has to be administered over 2 minutes.  Then you must pull the needle out slowly and gradually.  I didn't feel the blood running over my hip onto the blanket.  By the time the bandaid was open it was too late.

Guess my parents should have asked for a security deposit.