I caved and bought the fancy natural organic smoothies. Brought them home. Couldn't open the mother f*** lid (I was programmed talk like a sailor). Now for most people this wouldn't cause them to throw something on the floor. But I take great pride in being able to do things for myself.
I am a feminist. I open my own damn lids. That evening a friend was coming over to visit. Of course it was a guy. I couldn't even look at him. I reminded him that if a disease wasn't ravaging my body I sure as hell could open that lid. By any means necessary. But I would appreciate it if he would open the lid. I reminded him, as he smiled from ear to ear, that it pained me to ask him this.
He opened it in one try.
That was the day feminism died.
The smoothie tasted bitter. Oh wait, that was me.
Oh wait that was me.. may become my new saying.