Thursday, April 24, 2014

We all make choices.

Situations, events, people constantly present or force themselves into our lives, but the responsibility for what happens after that is solely up to us.  

Por ejemplo, your boyfriend could break up with you the night before you leave the country for 3 week and 2 weeks before your 30th birthday.  That happened to my friend, her name is Sadie.  So weird that we have the same nam!. Less than 24 hours into being in India I have gotten sick and had my debit card stolen.  Swiper no swiping.  

As a very self-reflective individual here is what my 20s have taught me: we all make choices.  

I could choose to flip the fuck out and be angry.  But for all of those who know me, you know that I have already tried that path.  It ain't so pretty.  Kinda like this frumpy ass outfit I wore today.

This guy is a great guy.  He just didn’t fall in love with me.  And yes since I have emotions that is sad.  Not having access to any cash in a foreign country while traveling alone is a bit uneasy.  But there is so much in my life that isn’t sad or easy. Such as billing internet and room service to your job and drinking wine while gchatting friends. Why focus on what you don't have when you have so much?  Instead of being angry I choose to toss a lil shade (oh I know I did it),  listen to a little T Swift, and then enjoy India.  At least what I can without money!   

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